About Green Club
Green Club is a free and open platform established to provide the values of environmental stewardship among the students. Under this club, various environmental activities are conducted such as tree plantation, water conservation, river cleaning, etc. The aim of the Green Club is to conserve natural resources.
- It aims to work towards an eco-friendly environment in and around the institute by efficient use of resources like water, waste, energy, etc.
- To support environmental activities and projects within colleges and communities as extension service.
- To empower students to participate in and take up meaningful environmental activities and projects.
Green Club Committee Members
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Ganesh Patare |
Chairman |
2. |
Asst. Prof. Renuka Talwar |
Coordinator |
3. |
Asst. Prof. Pankaj Ghorpade |
Member |
4. |
Asst. Prof. Shaheen Inamdar |
Member |
5. |
Asst. Prof. Rushika Kinjawadekar |
Member |
6. |
Asst. Prof. Swapnil Kamble |
Member |